How To Get Smell Out Of Leather Jacket

How To Get Smell Out Of Leather Jacket
Having a leather jacket seems great but keeping it requires special treatment as unlike other garments you can’t simply laundry them. Especially when you begin to experience some unusual irritating smell.
Reasons for Smell in New and Old Leather Jackets
Well, when we talk about smell in a leather jacket it can come out of both the new leather jackets as well as the old ones. In the new jackets, the typical reason for such a smell is leather dying with several chemical agents that take a little more time to fade away. If you experience the pungent smell of a new jacket, chances are that it was so freshly produced that the manufacturer didn’t even have time to remove the smell away before shipping it to you.
Conversely, if your leather jacket didn’t use to smell earlier but now it is smelling weirdly it is because of the porous nature of the leather. Leather is a natural material that has pours for breathability. Over time, these pours begin to expand resulting in several outer materials settling in them. These materials could include your favorite perfume, body oils, cigarette ash, sweat, and even outdoor uncontrollable elements like smoke, and seashore zooplankton smell etc. With time, these elements in combination create a strong unpleasant smell and its intensity could be anywhere from mild to strong. If you have bought an old leather jacket from the thrift store, it could have caught the smell of other garments likewise.
To tackle all such smells, we are sharing below the proven methods to get the unpleasant smell completely out of your leather jacket. The methods given below start from the easiest and lowest investment ones to the less convenient ones. This will help you to go after the ones that best suit your time and needs.
- Airing Out a Leather Jacket in Indirect Sunlight
- Using a Baking Soda – An Easy-to-Find Home Material
- Using White Vinegar – Requires a Spray Bottle too
- Coffee Grounds Method – A Natural Smell Neutralizer
- Activated Charcoal Pouches – Easy-to-Follow Method
- Using Quality Leather Conditioner – Recommended Method for Fast Result
- Professional Cleaning – The Final Choice
- Airing out a Leather Jacket in Indirect Sunlight
This method can be followed for both a new and an old jacket with smell. However, if you have a new leather jacket, you should start with this one.
As already discussed above, an unpleasant smell in new jackets is usually because of the chemical treatments they have been through. Such agents need to be dried off which could be done by keeping the jacket in contact with the sunlight but indirectly as direct sunlight could dry the oils of the leather that keep the jacket soft and supple which could potentially lead the jacket to peel off (which is also a sign of a poor quality leather).
As a general rule, keep it in contact with the sunlight for at least 24-48 hours which equals to a day or two. The reason we encourage you to keep it longer is that even with a day you get only 7-8 hours of quality sunlight and since you are keeping it indirectly therefore the impact would be even lower. However, if you are running out of time or don’t have sunlight because of your geographical location or season or if this method isn’t working for you despite trying it out for longer you should move ahead to the next methods that are comparatively frequent to follow.
- Using a Baking Soda – An Easy-to-Find Home Material
Generally, baking soda is an item that we all have in our kitchens whether we are Westerners, Asians, or someone so unique living in the polar region. It is a good material to absorb bad odors as some people also use it in the refrigerator to get rid of the fish or other items smells. The baking soda odor removal method is defined in the easy-to-follow steps below;
- Get a bag in which your leather jacket can easily sit. Make sure the bag doesn’t have any sort of material odor in it, secondly, it should be air-tight. Normally a polythene bag meets all these criteria so it could be a good choice if easily available to you.
- Sprinkle the baking soda on the jacket both on the outer and inner surfaces same as you sprinkle the salt on a pizza.
- Keep the jacket inside the airtight bag and leave it for 24-48 hours. Finally, get the jacket out of the bag, gently dust the soda out of it, and enjoy the non-smelling jacket.
In case, the soda jar is emptied you can then move on to the next method that requires white vinegar.
- Using White Vinegar – Requires a Spray Bottle too
White vinegar is widely directly used for cleaning several materials. However, in this method, we will be using it with an equal amount of water in a spray form. Below are the steps;
- Take a spray bottle and make sure that it doesn’t have any inherited material smell in it.
- Pour white vinegar first in an adequate quantity (as per the availability). Now add an equal amount of water as that of vinegar. Mix it well, and spray it over the jacket as a mist. Don’t wet the jacket as the excessive amount of vinegar could remove the color. Also, make sure not to spray it over the metallic accessories as vinegar can cause corrosion. To protect them, use the wiretap to cover the accessories first then spray over the jacket.
- Let the mist sit for 10-15 minutes then dry the jacket by wiping it off using a damp cloth and enjoy the odorless jacket.
- Coffee Grounds Method – A Natural Smell Neutralizer
Coffee grounds are normally used by perfume sellers to neutralize the smell sensation of the customer to let them smell the aroma of the other perfume. Using the same neutralization factor, we will use it for the jacket in the following steps;
- Get a small breathable bag to put the coffee grounds in.
- Hang the jacket then place the coffee grounds bag in it.
- Leave the jacket as it is for straight 24 hours.
And now enjoy the odorless leather jacket with the soft pleasant scent of the coffee ground neutralizer.
- Activated Charcoal Pouches – Easy-to-Follow Method
Activated charcoal is the tasteless and odorless powder form of charcoal. While it has several benefits of home remedies it is equally beneficial for removing smell out of a garment. To use it to remove the smell from a leather jacket follow the below steps;
- Make small pouches of activated charcoal using breathable material.
- Place them inside the jacket for a few days.
Now embrace the new odorless version of your jacket.
- Using Quality Leather Conditioner – Recommended Method for Fast Result
If none of the methods described above work for you then we recommend going for a quality leather conditioner. Most often, the leather jacket needs some good treatment and conditioning to get its new and odorless look. That’s no wonder that a leather conditioner can renew an old jacket while simultaneously removing the smell. We are also sharing here the leather conditioner that you can shop at a click but make sure to use it in accordance with the guidance as some conditioners can also remove the wax cover of the jacket.
- Professional Cleaning – The Final Choice
If despite using all the methods you are unable to get rid of the strong smell completely or if you want a frequent solution without any “ifs” and “ifs not” then we suggest you hand over your leather jacket to a professional leather cleaner. It could include both the leather manufacturers as well as the leather polishers because they both are professionally experienced and equipped with the stuff needed to clean the jacket. If you’re hunting for one online then we suggest you must go through the testimonials and reviews first before giving your jacket to them.
A leather jacket is the most performing gear because of its natural sturdiness. Where it offers several unique qualities that set it apart from other garments, it is equally challenging to maintain it as it can’t be simply machine washed. Therefore, it is crucial to take care of your leather jacket from the very beginning so it doesn’t smell over time.
- What’s the fastest and ideal way to remove odor from a leather jacket?
- The fastest way to remove the odor is to apply a leather conditioner over it. It is the proven method most frequently used by leather manufacturers too. However, it is not the ideal one. The ideal and the fastest method is to get the smell removed by the leather cleaners. Since it is their professional work to clean the leather, therefore they keep all the necessary stuff all the time making them an ideal option to have your leather jacket smell free.
- Can I remove the smell from my leather jacket using baking soda?
- It depends upon the intensity of the smell. If it is mild, chances are that you can easily get it off using baking soda. However, if the smell is pungent it may not be get rid of completely. Although, trying the baking soda trick first before spending on buying an expensive leather cleaner is a better decision.
- How can I keep my leather jacket fresh and smell-free for longer?
- To keep your leather soft, supple, and looking fresh use essential oils and leather conditioner timely. To keep it smell-free, make sure to not keep it with unwashed clothes, in a cupboard that smells because of its material, and to wear it over garments that have perfume sprayed on them. Similarly, avoid smoking while wearing a leather jacket, and walking in traffic jams as the smoke smell could settle in your jacket.
- Can I remove smells from my leather jacket by machine washing it?
- No, a leather jacket shouldn’t be washed. There’s a certain leather type that can endure excessive water. However, not all leather types can undergo washing. It is rather ideal to get it cleaned through a professional leather cleaner who knows how to clean a certain leather type following which method.
- How do I remove the cigarette smell from my jacket?
- Hang the leather jacket out in the well-ventilated area. Make a small pouch of breathable fabric or material, keep coffee grounds or activated charcoal in it, and keep that pouch inside the jacket. Leave the jacket for 24-48 hours so the activated charcoal or coffee grounds can neutralize the smell.